Below you will see the Hoover dam. I'd call it the Hoover Jam cuz it took us well over 2 hrs to get through this area.
My awesome dad captured this.
sheesh, what's so scary about this.
Hey, I can just walk off this bridge and into the grand canyon.
Here's me on the sky walk with eagle rock behind me.

They also make one my size, so that I don't have to sleep with those snoring adults.
Mud Teepee.
Even though we are on vacation, I still find time to work out. Here's me doing my pull ups.
Big hole behind me. I'm on a ledge, get me down from here.
FISH FISH FISH!!!! but it's not like dads. It's not swimming.
Where's Frosty?
But not as awesome as this TRIPOD!
Wow, that landscape of the painted canyon is so awesome.
Wait, are we lost in this pueblo? Are we even allowed on a pueblo?
With this "up-ella" I feel like I can fly.
What you looking at fool! I gotta go hide my dirty diaper.
Climbing up here was a chore but it's well worth it when you are the only one up here.
I'm so excited. I'm outside!!! no more cooped up indoors.