Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Max was counting in different languages.

English and Spanish (Max learned how to count in Spanish from JP)


Cantonese (after about 2 months not speaking Cantonese with him and he already forgot how to count in Cantonese.)

Max's birthday!!

Max was making his banana cupcakes for all his classmates at school during his birthday.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

JP at the bookstore.

JP picked this book for Max.

Uncle Symon: you can get as many books as you can carry.
JP: I think I can carry more.

JP: Let me count how many books do I have.

JP: I can use my chin to help carry my books.

JP: these books are heavy!

Max loves to eat!

Max and his oranges.

Max even loves to eat Durian.

Max was enjoying his "big" bread

More drawings from JP.