Sunday, October 31, 2010


Three boys three pumpkins, but Max and Kyle were fighting for the same pumpkin that Uncle Dar carved.

Mario and Toad. Kyle didn't like the mushroom hat on his head and always wanted to take it out.

Goku, Gohan, Chichi and Goten.
Daddy, JP, Mommy and Max.

Goku (Daddy) and Gohan (JP) were practicing their dragon ball power.

JP's school parade and he is the coolest one.

Daddy, Mommy and Max were all dressed up to support JP and other parents loved our family outfits. Great Auntie Ann hand made the outfits for us.

JP was doing his Kamehameha power.

The parade was only 15 minutes and JP didn't want to take out his outfit after it was done.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

JP and Max at LA FAIR

JP was learning how to shoot an arrow and hand pick fruits and vegetables like the old times.

JP got lost in the castle and happy that he finally got out of it.

JP's first time got on a ride by himself. His favorite combination, Dragon and bumblebee. He thinks he is a fire dragon with bumblebee's sting. (powerful weapons)

JP's favorite dinosaur vs. the one that scared him. It is called Pachycephalosaurus. JP thinks it looks like a alien and he won't let us get closer to it.

At the pirates show.

Nowadays, how can we avoid guns from JP when other kids are playing guns everywhere?

Inside the ice sculpture room. It was around 23c degree.