Saturday, November 17, 2012


Without a doubt, Max wanted to dress up as Kung Fu Panda
 JP dressed up as Obi Wan Kenobi

Max' Halloween project.  "a kitty holding a decorated pumpkin"

JP was practicing his Obi Wan Kenobi power with his lightsaber 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Carving Pumpkins with Daddy the night before Halloween.

Untied Nations Day

JP and Max wanted to wear Chinese Kung Fu shirts to celebrate the united Nations Day.  Of Course, Max wanted to take his favorite Panda with him and he called it Kung Fu Panda.

JP was so happy with his Kung Fu shirt since all the kids called him "Kung Fu Master"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We told Max the chicken was spicy, but he insisted to try it himself.  

San Diego trip

Taking family pictures with Shamu.

Max and JP were trying to study this animal.          

It was very very tiring for Daddy to push these two boys while going up the hill.

Panda was the only animal which Max wanted to see. 

Spending some time on the beach! 

Max really enjoyed watching the Pet Show

Last year, both boys were fighting for the single seated stroller, and Daddy had to carry Max the whole time. So this year Daddy got the double seated stroller and hoping everyone will be happy.  But of course, our little Max wanted to walk instead.

End up Daddy had to carry Max this way the whole time.  But Max enjoyed it.

Max thinks there is a baby puppy in his stomach, just like a baby in mommy's stomach. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

boys helping daddy on the house projects.

The boys love to help daddy work on the house projects.  but each time when they help, it would take at least triple the time than if daddy could work by himself.  


Friday, August 3, 2012

Daddy's birthday!!

We celebrated Daddy's birthday at Cheesecake Factory. 

Boys were having lot of fun with Daddy.

Daddy's birthday cake from Cheesecake Factory.
As always, our tradition is to have fruit cake to celebrate birthday at home.  

Mommy made 5 flavor fruit Popsicle. (yellow watermelon, strawberry, peach, plum and grapes) 

Max loved the Popsicle.

JP also loved the Popsicle also, he had two.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

End of school Performance and JP's Piano recital!

JP and his age group of kids were performing "don't worry" song

JP and his classmates were performing "down by the bay" song

JP's solo. "Twinkle Twinkle little star"

Before the end of school performance, our little Max was trying to get everyone's attention by showing all the kids the best way to get your booger out of your nose.  

During the performance of "Time to say Good Bye", our little Max was trying to figure out how to shoot with two hands

Max did very well during the practice, but he became very silly on the stage.  

Every time, JP's classmates see Max, they will call him "The Super Max who can fly".  This time, they were waiting for Max to be silly again.  

After the performance, Max was trying to do his Kung Fu moves that he learned from JP.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday Parties

JP chose plum as his birthday cake and Max wanted to share the birthday also.

For Max's birthday, he wanted a panda cake so Daddy made him an eggless panda cheese cake. 

For JP's birthday, he wanted a soldier cake.  This was also eggless so Max could eat too.

Kids were lining up for Aunt Jody's Awesome Balloons. 

Max was protecting JP by using his dogie balloon power!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

JP and Max couldn't wait to pick their strawberries.  

This is how Max eats his "大龙包"

JP's birthday party with all his good friends!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

JP 正在练习双手同时弹琴。这是他们学的第一首要用双手弹的歌。 

我们的 Mr. Max.

Max 觉得把手放进裤袋里是一件很 cool 的事。

我们是在得到 Max 的同意之后才帮他做铅 和铁的测验。 整个过程他都没有哭。 Max 还 很高兴他得到兔子的绷带. 

每个星期四 的下午我们都会去农夫市场买新鲜的蔬菜,水果 和鲜奶。Max 已经全副武装准备好去买他最喜欢的鲜奶。 

Max不要在碗里吃饭。 他要直接从饭盆里吃。 还吃得津津有味。  


JP 的学校每星期四都会有一位农夫教他们怎样在菜园里种菜。
JP 说他也很希望自己家有一个菜园。于是爸爸去 Big Lots 买了一些工具。 JP 负责帮爸爸钉木材,Max 负责浇水 .


JP and Max 最喜欢的是草莓, 他们每天都会去看一下. 还会跟草莓说:"I Love You". 因为农夫说要对植物有爱心,它们才会长大!

左边的蒜头是 Max 种的, 右边的蒜头是 JP 种的. JP 很高兴他的蒜头长得比 Max 的高.

看!! 我们的草莓长出来了! Max 说"we have to share this strawberry".