My Nimbus cloud is alittle weird today. It looks like a human.
Stop foes, You will not get my dragonballs.

My Nimbus cloud is kinda slow. Better try to use one of Bulma's contraptions.
My Nimbus cloud is kinda slow. Better try to use one of Bulma's contraptions.
Well that green one doesn't work, but this red one seems much better.

This pasture is just right for doing my business.

This pasture is just right for doing my business.
Ahhh, that's nice.....
Want to clean up my business.... be my guest
Custom made Gi by Great Aunt Ann
Custom made Staff by Daddy
Custom made Staff by Daddy
Original Hair by Mommy
Belt and Wrist bands by
Shoes by Old Chinese lady in Chinatown
Tail straight from a Monkey
Tractors and Pumpkin provided by Descanso Gardens
Credit also goes to my orange and red adversaries from Earth.
Very fine......
Dragon ball fans ?
anyway he is very cute
dude~ the costume is awesome. -jeremy
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